Rangel Mattia
Rangel Mattia
Diretor de Fábrica, John Deere C&F
About Me

Career highlights

2022    Factory Manager, C&F Indaiatuba Factory

2017    President, Deere Hitachi Brasil, C&F

2015    Director, Business Partner Integration, C&F

2013    Supply Management Manager, Waterloo Works, A&T

2010    Strategic Sourcing Manager, South America, A&T

2008    Supply Management Manager, Montenegro, A&T

2006    Supply Management Manager, Catalão, A&T

2004    Supply Management Supervisor, Harvester Works, A&T

2000    Supply Management Buyer, Horizontina, A&T

Most insightful work experience:

DHB Joint-venture Integration to JD / Factories Consolidation Lead an independent company, a Joint-Venture Business - DHB International Assignment at Waterloo Works and C&F – USA; 2013-2017 - Worked at the 3 Ag Factories in Brasil

Areas of expertise:

Business Leader President and CEO Factory Operations Strategic Partnership

Supply Management and Logistics

Personal information:


2 Children

Hobbies: Family events, running, adventure Vacation Preference: Road trip